HDC Member Sign-on: Protect PABs in Tax Reform Plan
HDC Members:
The Ways and Means Committee is currently considering the House GOP’s tax reform bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which seriously threatens affordable housing development in Washington state and nation wide.
HDC has drafted letters to leaders in DC representing King County Districts asking that they stand strong against the proposal and protect Private Activity Bonds and expand the LIHTC rather than reducing it’s effectiveness. We are asking our members to join us by co-signing.
Sign our letter to Representative Reichert
Sign our letter to Senators Cantwell & Murray, and Representatives DelBene, Jayapal, and Smith
Please have an authorized representative from your organization sign on by this Sunday, November 12th at 5 pm. Reach out to me with questions.
Thank you,
Kylie Rolf
Government Relations and Policy Director