Congratulations, LDSC 2021!
On June 23, we had our final session with our 2021 Leadership Development Survey Course Cohort (LDSC). This year was particularly special (and challenging) with completely virtual programming. We appreciate all our participants who embraced our new platform and course schedule this year with flexibility and grace:
- Asad Abdi
African Community & Housing Development - Megan Altendorf
GGLO - Jennifer DeFluri
Plymouth Housing - Isaac Horwith
King County DCHS
Joshua Janet
Catholic Housing Services- Chris Keenan
Seattle Housing Authority - Dee Knoff
SMR Architects - Michelle Lambert
Commmunity Roots Housing - Yolanda Long
Bank of America - Sunnie Park
King County Housing Authority - Alberta Read Bleck
Beacon Development Group - Amanda Santo
Multi-Service Center - Jesse Simpson
Bellwether Housing - Dan Williams
If you’re interested in the applying for next years’ course, reach out to Loren.