2024 Housing Development Internship Program Graduation
Earlier this month, our HDC team and guests gathered at El Centro de la Raza to honor and celebrate eleven students on their completion of the Housing Development Internship Program. This year’s graduation ceremony marks five program years of HDIP, a nine-month internship for BIPOC students interested in careers in the affordable housing sector.
HDIP is now accepting student and host agency applications for the 2024-25 program year. You can find more information and application materials by visiting our Housing Development Internship Program page.
Read on to learn more about these eleven future leaders.

Congratulations, 2023 HDIP Graduates!
Catherine Dang graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and was placed with Compass Construction during the program. She’s been hired full-time as a Project Engineer at Schuchart.
Caitlin Truong graduated with a Bachelors of Art in Architectural Design with Departmental Honors and a double minor in Art History and Environmental Science & Terrestrial Resource Management from the University of Washington. She’s continuing on full-time with her host agency Schemata Workshop as an Architectural Designer.
Prajin “Zing” Uttamchandani graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Architecture with a concentration in sustainable technologies. They’ve been hired full-time by their host agency, SMR Architects, as part of their architectural staff.
Daniel Phuong Bui graduated from the University of Washington with a B.A. in Architectural Design and a B.S. in Construction Management. He’s continuing on with his host agency, Marpac Construction, as a full-time Project Engineer.
Delilah Canales graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelors of Arts in Architecture and her host agency was Perkins Eastman. She’s moving to Yakima to be closer to family.
Eddie Gammon was placed at RAFN during the program, and he’s continuing on full-time with his host agency as a Project Engineer. He graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management.
Brian Njorge is continuing on with his host agencies, GS Affordable Housing and Ally Community Development, as a part-time Assistant Project Manager. He graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelors of Science in Urban Design.
Ed Lawrence Hagape graduated from Seattle University with a Bachelors of Arts in Public Affairs (Urban Studies Concentration) and an Arabic Minor. He was placed with the Washington State Housing Finance Commission during his internship, and has started his new full-time role with The Filipino Community of Seattle as Resident Services Coordinator.
Aaliya Jones graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Science in Urban Design. She is continuing on with her host agency, Environmental Works, as a part-time Architecture Intern.
Kahlia DeVenaro graduated with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Architectural Design from the University of Washington and is continuing on with her host agency, GGLO, as a full-time Architectural Designer.
Cameron Arreola is returning to school for her senior year—studying for a B.A. in Architectural Design and a B.S. in Construction Management at the University of Washington. During the program, she interned at Mercy Housing.

This 5th year of HDIP was made possible by many committed members of our community. We want to express our gratitude to the host agencies—Ally Community Development, GS Consulting, Mercy Housing, Washington State Housing Finance Commission, Environmental Works, Perkins Eastman, SMR Architects, Schemata Workshop, GGLO, Compass Construction, Marpac Construction, and RAFN—for your commitment to fostering a new generation of diverse leaders in the affordable housing sector. Thank you also to the speakers and community members who showed up to celebrate on June 4th. And last, but certainly not least, thank you to our sponsors for supporting the program and making HDIP possible!
HDIP Program Sponsors