Policy Priorities

Each year, we engage our membership in an agenda setting process, which gives our members the opportunity to propose advocacy issues and determine our advocacy priorities.

2017 Advocacy & Policy Priorities

Priorities for 2017 were adopted by the Board on September 7th and approved by the membership on September 9th. You can view our campaign summary below, as an infographic, or printer-friendly PDF. Our 2017 State Legislative Priorities are available here.

Fund Affordable Homes

Currently, 127,000 King County households are paying more than half their income for housing costs, placing them at great risk of homelessness. In the midst of our region’s rapid population and economic growth, public funding is even more critical to ensure everyone can have a safe, healthy, affordable home. In 2017, HDC will advocate to:

Build & Maintain Inclusive Communities

The benefits of King County’s current growth should be shared equitably across our region, but communities of color and low-income renters are particularly vulnerable to displacement in this quickly changing market. To promote equitable growth and prosperity for all, King County and our many cities should implement best practices that ensure low-income residents can live in communities of opportunity and remain in their home communities. HDC supports the following goals to build and maintain inclusive communities:

  • Implement Seattle’s Mandatory Housing Affordability program
  • Enact and implement appropriate, effective Inclusionary Housing tools in rezones and station area plans across King County cities
  • Create and Implement strong Housing Strategy Plans
  • Enact and Expand Source of Income Discrimination Protections
  • Build affordable housing on public property

Improve Health of Housing

Too many homeowners and renters are currently living in unhealthy or substandard homes particularly in areas of South King County. Too often, renters in these homes are unable or afraid to report their inadequate housing conditions. King County residents need more tools to improve the quality of affordable, market-rate housing while protecting renters from displacement and preserving affordability as housing conditions improve. In 2017, HDC will advocate to:

  • Implement local Rental Registration & Inspection programs

Support Countywide Housing Strategy Plans

HDC applauds and supports elected leaders who work to create AND implement comprehensive housing affordability plans. In 2017, HDC will advocate to:

  • Implement Seattle’s Housing Affordability & Livability Agenda
  • Implement King County’s Housing Strategy Plan
  • Development strong, comprehensive housing strategy plans across Eastside cities

How does the process work?

Each year, HDC solicits ideas to include in our Advocacy Priorities in order to serve our members in the development and provision of affordable housing. Member participation in creating this list and advocating for its priorities are vital to our advocacy success. HDC asks that membership submits priorities requests by mid-summer in order to review proposed priorities with our Policy Advisory Group and presents priorities to the board and members for approval every fall.

Click here for a list of our 2016 Legislative Priorities.