Annual Celebration

Thank you so much to the more than 1000 of you who attended our 16th Annual Celebration of Affordable Housing on April 17, 2024 and gave your support to our collective mission to help individuals and families fulfill their promises of a stable home, now and for generations to come.

We’re so grateful for our incredible community.

There’s still time to give

There’s still time to make a donation. Thank you for your generous support and commitment to a King County where all people live with dignity in safe, healthy, and affordable homes.

Order Homelessness is a Housing Problem

Our many thanks to Gregg Colburn for his informative and inspiring keynote address. Interested in his work? Make sure to pick up his book Homelessness is a Housing Problem: How structural factors explain US patterns.

Public Sector Champion Award

The City of Seattle is the proud winner of our 2024 Public Sector Champion Award. View Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell’s acceptance remarks below:

Many thanks to our sponsors for your support and dedication in our collective work!