Black Home Initiative (BHI) Network Policy Group

We envision a future where homeownership rates for Black communities in Washington state are equal to those of their white peers.

About the BHI Network Policy Group

Public policies created the racial disparities in who owns their home—and we believe policy change is key to closing the gap. The BHI Network Policy Group leads policy change for racial equity in homeownership.

Be a part of policy change

We are building a network of people who are ready to roll up their sleeves. Join us!

Our Policy Work

The BHI Network Policy Group came together to answer one core question: What policies will most effectively increase Black homeownership in Washington state? Our Policy Framework distills that work for the greatest impact, tackling both the supply of affordable homes and the ability for Black communities to purchase those homes.

Additional Resources

Learn more about the context for our policy work, watch event recordings, and more on our Resources Page.

Black Home Initiative

Black Home Initiative is a network of nonprofits, private companies, philanthropy, governments and associations making up our region’s ecosystem focused on increasing Black homeownership.