Blog post

A Quest for Empathy

Until I can understand why you Fled, why you are willing to bleed, Why you deserve what I must be Willing to cede, let me imagine You are my mother in Montgomery… – from “Refuge” by Tracy K. Smith HDC’s … read more.

MHA is a Win-Win for Seattle Housing Affordability

Seattle is finally moving forward to pass Citywide Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA), which would require all new development, no matter where it is built in Seattle, to contribute to affordable housing. This is long overdue. Non-profit developers stand ready to … read more.

A True Solution to a Real Problem: A Pro-MHA Response to Seattle Times

Seattle’s crippling housing crisis has made it harder for people of all income levels to live in our city. One major factor behind our skyrocketing cost of living is that our housing policies are stuck in the past. It is … read more.

Commemorating Martin Luther King Day

This year for some reason I’m drawn to the lunar eclipse, the so called “super blood wolf moon”.  This is occurring on the eve of our country’s 2019 annual commemoration of the Dr. Martin Luther King Junior holiday. Not surprisingly, … read more.

Staff Reflections

National Conference, Local Perspective Our Advocacy Mobilization Manager, Patience Malaba, attended the NACEDA conference this past week. Here are her reflections from the national conference and how they reflect on HDC’s work. Last week l had the honor to spend … read more.

4 Ways Climate Change and Affordable Housing are Connected

  Looking out your window this morning, you might have assumed today was just another typical gray, cloudy Seattle day. It’s not until you walk outside and you are hit with the pungent smell of smoke and hot muggy air … read more.