Leadership Development

2024 Housing Development Internship Program Graduation

Earlier this month, our HDC team and guests gathered at El Centro de la Raza to honor and celebrate eleven students on their completion of the Housing Development Internship Program. This year’s graduation ceremony marks five program years of HDIP, … read more.

Housing Internship Program Graduation

Last month, our HDC team had the honor of celebrating seven students as they complete the Housing Development Internship Program. This year’s graduation ceremony marks the completion of four program years of HDIP, a nine-month internship for students of color … read more.

Harvard ManageMentor: Education, Commitment, Opportunity

Education. Commitment. Opportunity. According to our members, these keywords best encapsulate HDC’s Harvard ManageMentor program. We have officially closed our first year of the program and many teams and individuals across HDC membership took full advantage of the opportunity. Below … read more.

Congratulations, LDSC 2021!

On June 23, we had our final session with our 2021 Leadership Development Survey Course Cohort (LDSC). This year was particularly special (and challenging) with completely virtual programming. We appreciate all our participants who embraced our new platform and course schedule this year … read more.

Congratulations, LDSC 2020!

Congratulations to this year’s Leadership Development Survey Course (LDSC) cohort, which has successfully completed the 2020 program! Twenty participants committed to this 6-month, 65 hour program and adapted quickly and gracefully to a remote learning platform. HDC is so incredibly … read more.