Policy & Advocacy

Housing Developments: Stick a fork in 2017

We did a lot together in 2017. Thank you. Last year we passed the Vets, Seniors, and Human Services Levy, made room for affordable housing in more neighborhoods through inclusionary zoning, protected whole cities from source of income discrimination, and … read more.

Housing Developments: “A down payment on an affordable future.”

921 new affordable homes coming to Seattle! Mayor Durkan’s office announced this morning the city will invest just over $100 million in affordable homes for people with low incomes and those experiencing homelessness. Calling the investment “a downpayment on an affordable … read more.

Housing Developments: Things that shouldn’t need to be said

Tax Reform Conference Committee begins work this week Affordable housing advocates haven’t had a moment to rest this year, and it doesn’t look like there will be a break in the action just yet. The National Low Income Housing Coaltion … read more.

Housing Developments: Taxing headlines worth being riled up over

Two tax bills, but no tax law yet. The Senate passed its tax bill, HR 1,  at 2 am EST Saturday, only hours after a final draft of the bill had been finalized. Two days later, much remains unclear about … read more.

Housing Developments: Tweetstorm in the forecast for #GivingTuesday

There’s something for everyone to do on #GivingTuesday Double your #GivingTuesday impact by donating through Facebook fundraisers! Facebook is waiving processing fees for #GivingTuesday and the Gates Foundation is matching donations up to $1k per campaign (campaigns are fundraisers started … read more.

Housing Developments: Snazzy graphs to be thankful for

Last week in Tax Reform… Last week the House voted along party lines to pass a tax reform bill that has the affordable housing community very concerned. The bill would eliminate private activity bonds, a tool which has helped build … read more.

Housing Developments: #HALAyes HALA-baloo

#HALAyes Celebration Tomorrow! Join the Seattle For Everyone Coaltion in saying #HALA-lujah for the accomplishments of 2017! Festivities run from 5:30-7:30 pm at the South Lake Union Discovery Center. RSVP here. A new reason to celebrate: OPCD released final MHA EIS and … read more.

HDC Member Sign-on: Protect PABs in Tax Reform Plan

HDC Members: The Ways and Means Committee is currently considering the House GOP’s tax reform bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which seriously threatens affordable housing development in Washington state and nation wide. HDC has drafted letters to leaders … read more.

Housing Developments: Remember, Remember the 7th of November

Tomorrow’s a big day. King County Elections will finally take place: Here’s just one more awesome editorial for #YesOnProp1, because tomorrow is the last day you can vote to renew and expand this vital levy for Vets, Seniors, and Human Services (and … read more.

Housing Developments: Haunted Edition

Who should receive our Advocate of the Year Award? It’s high time we recognized the people who advocate for our movement and inspire others to take action for safe, healthy, and affordable homes for all. Nominate someone you know to receive … read more.