Annual Celebration of Affordable Housing

HDC is a movement. By uniting our sector together under a common purpose, and with your essential support, we’ve made incredible progress in creating more access to affordable housing across King County—and we’re not done yet!
Please join us for our 17th Annual Celebration of Affordable Housing, taking place on April 23 at the Seattle Convention Center Summit Building to recognize our collective accomplishments and support the HDC movement! You don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to hear from new leaders in the sector and create the connections necessary to address the critical need for affordable housing in our region.
17th Annual Celebration of Affordable Housing
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Networking from 11 am – 12 pm
Program from 12 pm – 1:00 pm
Seattle Convention Center – Summit
5th Floor Ballroom
900 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101
Unable to Join Us?
Please consider a donation in lieu of attending to support our critical work! Thank you for your commitment to a King County where all people live with dignity in safe, healthy, and affordable homes.
Interested in Sponsoring?
If you’re interested in being a sponsor of the Annual Celebration, please see our sponsorship brochure below and email Loren with any questions. Thank you for your sustained support!
Want to Volunteer?
The Annual Celebration wouldn’t be possible without the support of dedicated and amazing volunteers. Interested in supporting the event in this way? Please email Loren with any questions. Thank you!
Many thanks to our sponsors for your support and dedication in our collective work!




4EA Building Science | ABC of Western WA | AIA Seattle | Bellwether Housing | Beneficial State Bank | Business Impact NW | Clark Nuber | Climate Solutions | Community Roots Housing | DCI Engineers | DESC | Environmental Works | Francis & Company | Futurewise | HomeSight | Homestead Community Land Trust | HumanGood | Jackson Main | Loveridge Hunt | Master Builders Association of King & Snohomish Counties | Mithun | Multi-Service Center | Novogradac | Pacifica Law Group | Redwood | Seattle Building & Construction Trades Council | Sound Transit | Van Ness Feldman | Verity Credit Union | Washington State Housing Finance Commission