Housing and Aging

“Housing as the Linchpin of Well-Being”

King County’s population is aging with 1 in 4 residents over the age of 60 by 2040. This rise in age is accompanied by a rise in housing costs making affordability a huge burden on older adults. Older adults often have a declining income as they begin to rely on their retirement savings or social security. High housing costs put a financial strain on older adults causing them to shortchange spending on other basic necessities like healthcare which also becomes pricier as you age. Housing policy and development much be cognizant of the specific needs and circumstances of older adults and create solutions that are affordable, accessible, and holistic to older adult’s quality of life.

On this page, you will find research studying the links between housing and aging, current  programs working to collaboratively improve outcomes, and opportunities to contribute.


Meeting the Housing Needs of an Aging Population (Shelterforce)
Housing America’s Older Adults (JCHS)
Housing an Aging Population (AARP)
Aging in Place (HUD)
Aging and Disability: Implications for the Housing Industry… (JAPA)
Housing and Aging: Senior Homelessness… (AgeWise King County)

Current Work and Policies

Moving Toward Age-Friendly Housing in King County 2018
HDC Housing & Aging Presentations
HDC Housing & Aging Report Out

Moving Forward

  • Advocate for policies that co-locate housing and services.
  • Support expansion of senior housing opportunities
  • Continue to support the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy that helps fund senior assistance programs including housing
  • Join HDC’s senior housing affinity group