Housing Facts
Quick Housing Facts
- King County is the 13th largest county in the United States by population with over 2 million residents.
- The Housing Wage for a two-bedroom apartment in King County is $27.21.This is the amount a full-time (40 hours per week) worker must earn per hour in order to afford the fair market two-bedroom apartment rent of $1,415 (Source: NLIHC Out of Reach Report 2015; Fair market rent defined here).
- A worker earning the current state minimum wage of $9.47 in King County must work 115 hours just to pay rent on a two-bedroom apartment at the $1,415 monthly cost (Source: NLIHC Out of Reach Report 2015).
- 22.8% of King County renter households make less than 30% of area median income. Yet, only 10% of apartments in the county are affordable to these households (Source: King County Comprehensive Plan 2012, Technical Appendix B: Housing).
- Over 43.5% of renter households in King County are paying more than they can afford in housing costs (Source: Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy Data, US Department of Housing and Urban Development).
- Over 10,000 people–men, women and children–are homeless in King County on an average night (Source: Seattle King County Coalition on Homelessness, 2015 One Night Count).
- HDC members provide more than 50,000 units of affordable housing via new construction, preservation/rehabilitation and vouchers in the King County region.
HDC members develop all kinds of apartments and homes. These include:
- Multi-family apartments
- Single-family ownership homes, townhomes and condominiums
- Single-room-occupancy apartments
- Mixed-use residential apartments
- Artist live/work lofts
- Cooperative housing
- Group homes
- New construction and rehabilitation projects
- Preservation projects